PDM Business Solutions, Inc.

Promotion Planning and Evaluation

Money to the bottom line:
  • Increase profitable volume
  • Develop promotions that make financial sense
  • Drive ROI
  • Eliminate non-value added activities, redirect resources towards analytics
  • No infrastructure investment
Plan promotions by customer, distributor, region and any product level. Slice and dice the real-time data by promotional activity, spend type and date. Eliminate those dozens or hundreds of spreadsheets you currently use.

Put a bullet in that over-blown, overdue and over budget project that will never seems to get past the PowerPoint stage.
Be a hero and get a real solution up and running right away.

Although users work in a familiar Excel interface, data is centralized in real-time,
not stored in individual spreadsheets.

Call today for a free demonstration: 203-240-3358

Services Overview:
  • Fully customized for your business needs
  • Fixed monthly fee - no other costs
  • Real-time, customized reporting
  • Includes on-going consultative services (business/technology)
  • No infrastructure requirements
  • No long-term commitment required
Contact us today for a demo

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